2020/10/27 11:18:30
No worries, anytime dude.
2020/10/27 11:40:39
If all I do is continue to play the games I already play? Then sure, of course it will. I got the 2060 to get in the step-up in the first place, and I'm coming from a 970 GTX...... but the point is why the hell would I overpay for a card that's providing no real benefit other than the fact that I'm guaranteed to get one "at some point"....that point looking a whole lot like it will already be halfway through the cycle before I'd expect to see Supers or more memory or whatever. 
These 3080's were supposed to be going into a system meant to last a long time. I'm damn sure not paying 800 bucks for one if AMD drops Navi tomorrow or whatever and benchmarks come out and they're comparable with MORE memory for hundreds less. Memory, in any aspect (graphics or system) is not something I skimp on when doing builds, and that's never failed to win out over time for me, so do I want to wait until MARCH? Hell no, and I won't. There's no reason for me to spend ~850+/card if I'm waiting that long. I'll be able to pick one up off a shelf by then. I live two blocks behind a Micro Center.
2020/10/27 12:31:13
Just got my step 3 email 3:29pm EST
2020/10/27 12:33:19
Received my Step 3 email at 3:20pm EST.  Payment sent.  Received confirmation/Step 4 at 3:24pm EST.  Just waiting on Step 5.   
2020/10/27 12:34:24
I received my step 3 email as well! 3:26 om EST.
2020/10/27 13:06:31
Step 3 -> 10/27 @ 12:20pm PST/ 2:20pm CST/ 3:20pm EST.
Step 4 -> 10/27 @ 12:57 PST/ 2:57 CST/ 3:57 EST.
2020/10/27 13:15:47
I received my step 3 email as well! 3:26 om EST.

Hmmm I didn't get my step 3. I wonder why...
2020/10/27 13:36:00
I received my step 3 email as well! 3:26 om EST.

Hmmm I didn't get my step 3. I wonder why...

I guess they do it one by one. Still nothing here either.
2020/10/27 13:55:33
I received my step 3 email as well! 3:26 om EST.

Hmmm I didn't get my step 3. I wonder why...

I guess they do it one by one. Still nothing here either.

Same. Where’d y’all get your cards from? I got mine from best buy
2020/10/27 13:56:57
I went through Step 3 and Step 4 today.   Await Step 5.

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