I am also signed up for auto-notify.
And I will be blunt.. its going to be march for me for a notify 3080 ftw3... and I signed up on 9/19 lol. However, for the notify 3090 ftw3 its likely middle of December at this rate. So I will likely have an EVGA 3090 FTW3 Ultra by Christmas Time. I will still be taking my step up sometime in March or April.. because.. I earned it. Will use it in second build.
However this is a paper launch and it has annoyed and frustrated me to the point that I am only an Nvidia brand customer because I have to be to play my games and work well from home as well. I am open to other brands... more so then ever before. I also refuse to pay above list. The 2080 Super FTW3 Ultra I purchased for step up was below list and it was new. I am using it right now.
Never paying above list.. never...