Honestly, given the times and the current situation the world is in right now I do not understand why this process is so slow. I imagine these guys make a decent profit off of each GPU and it makes no sense to not be turning and burning a workforce 24/7, doing 8 hour shifts. I understand it's not under there control, but even so.... The suppliers should be operating with those hours. That's ez money and I know for a fact, "They tuk r' jerb".. Come on folks. Lets put a little pep in those steps.
This isn't how manufacturing works, nor is it how any of this works. You need to a have a trained and competent workforce, an available supply of raw resources, the logistics to get materials both in and out, down time for machines and people, more management and supervision, people willing to work the awful hours. You can't just say OK we're working 8 shifts round the clock and snap your fingers. It takes months of planning, even then one issue in the chain it slows down. Just be patient and your card will come.