Yes today was either a very large batch or something.
Step 2 10/13 at 2:47PM East Coast time. Currently through to Step 4 awaiting RMA number etc
How in the world are you through to Step 4 already? 0_0
I got my Step 2 e-mail at the exact same time and still haven't heard anything regarding Step 3.
That I don't know because I didn't notice my Step 2 until after 3 some time.... but the Step 3 also had a slightly different appearance in email list. I'll try to post an image with the time stamps. *edit* Step 2 time was 2:47pm eastern, Step 3 was 3:05pm and Step 4 was 3:13pm. Step 2 and Step 4 had the same icon and step 3 had a different one. Regardless the payment was done right on the registered product page in my account. Step 3 is just the verification of price and my other card was purchased direct from EVGA. I had also uploaded the invoice a while back just in case.
Interesting. Might be because you purchased your card directly with EVGA. I uploaded my invoice a while back as well, but I bought mine from Microcenter. It also probably doesn't help that the purchase of my current EVGA card was through an exchange at Microcenter of another graphics card. I called EVGA a couple weeks ago to see if this would cause issues, but the customer service rep said it would be ok since it constitutes a new purchase. Just curious if that would be my hold up at this point considering I got my step 1 e-mail a little earlier based on the list.