I added a just for fun expected step 2 date calculation to the sheet.
It calculates the current number of step2s, assuming everyone before the last guy that got it also got theirs. Then divides that by the number of days between 9/17 and whenever the last step 2 was received. That gives us an estimated Step2s/Day. Then it uses that rate to figure out when it thinks each place in line will get theirs.
Awesome. Thank you for that. Is it possible to calculate the Step 2 date without including the weekends? I don't think they are responding on Saturday and Sunday. Just a thought. Much appreciated for creating this.
That doesn't make any sense. Weekends still exist. Based on the small sample of the last 2 batches, it seems they are going to be sending emails on mondays, so the next monday after the "Expected Date" is the bes guess. But it's also still a horrible guess. It assumes the list is a random proportionate sample of people based on when they signed up, and it assumes they are going to keep releasing cards to step-up at the same rate. Neither of these things is probably true, and both assumptions will probably very wildly. That what it is "Just for fun."