If stock only comes in once a week then it will certainly be a long wait for anyone who purchased after the first day, or even for some of those who purchased later on the first day. All we can hope for is that things pick up and we start getting inventory drops more like 2 or 3 times per week. That will be the difference between waiting 4 to 6 months, and only 2 or 3 months.
It's also possible that some people may drop out and switch over to the 3070 when it releases.
I read in a few posts that people waited over 4 months to step up when the 20xx series launched, so this will be no different; maybe a bit worse due to the current world situation causing for more demand than ever seen.
Since I am poor I will just need to wait. However I predict that many people will grab the first decent card they can get and still continue with this.. and the market will be flooded with used cards.. no warranty... at still inflated prices. The fact I had to settle for a 2070 Super when I was building my rig before the summer was an indication to me how messed up the GPOU market is.