2021/12/19 15:17:43
The warranty of a 30 series b-stock card (part number ending in "-RL") is 1 year. I can't justify losing 1 year, 9 months of warranty and paying 98% retail for a refurbished card even if it is "better"... but that is me... 
I'm in agreement with you here, I am not down to lose a warranty for a "better" card, especially if i'm paying so much for it already.

Based on the step-up terms, EVGA transfer the extended warranty to the "step-up" card. Buy now or later (assuming they let you), and 10 years is going to far cover the life of the card. Another reason I question how the step-up card can be b-stock refurbished. Are they are going to honor up to a 10 year warranty on a card they normally only provide a 1 year warranty? EVGA also doesn't offer extended warranties on b-stock products for a reason. None if it adds up to the current terms of step-up. 
Hopefully the part number is incorrect, and it is the "-KL" SKU for step up. I am certainly going to cancel my step up if my 10 year warranty doesn't transfer to the 3080 FTW3.  

this is interesting, when step 2 arrives, am I able to speak with them to confirm "did you guys mean KL or am i actually getting an RL here?" because if that is the fcase, I'm also going to cancel it and just stick with a warranty on my 60ti. It was the only card I was willing to step up to as well, so this is super disappointing.
2021/12/19 17:51:25
Step One: 12/19 9:53 am CST
479.99 to 909.99 
plus Tax and S&H 
2021/12/19 18:03:57
3070ti ftw ---> 3080 ftw
Just resigned back up after getting my original step 2 a few weeks back and cancelling. Hopefully its as quick as last time. Didn't wanna deal with holiday shipping and the thought of using a gt 710 over the holidays sounded very depressing lol
2021/12/19 18:24:11
Step One: 12/19 9:53 am CST
479.99 to 909.99 
plus Tax and S&H 

3070ti ftw ---> 3080 ftw
Just resigned back up after getting my original step 2 a few weeks back and cancelling. Hopefully its as quick as last time. Didn't wanna deal with holiday shipping and the thought of using a gt 710 over the holidays sounded very depressing lol

Could you guys also email EVGA and inquire about the "10G-P5-3897-RL" part number? Again, this is a b-stock refurbished part number and we all have new, retail cards submitting a step-up for what "should" be a new, retail 3080 FTW3 ("10G-P5-3897-KL").
@Moonman1969 - do you still have your step 1 email from a few weeks back? Can you confirm the step-up part number was "10G-P5-3897-KL"?
Given the state of supply and the suspension of the 3080 FTW3 step-up in the past... I am hoping EVGA is not introducing b-stock cards into the "step-up" 
2021/12/19 19:31:01
Yes can confirm old step up was for 10G-P5-3897-KL where as the new step up is 10G-P5-3897-RL.. I hope we aren't getting refurbished cards otherwise they have some stuff to change on their website as it lists youd get a new card in a few places.
EDIT: i could be wrong but I also think the quoted price difference was $10 less. Sounds like we might get shafted with a one year warranty at the least. Just sent a question through support, ill let you guys know what they say. Now slightly regretting not just getting it over with lol
2021/12/20 04:07:50
Yes can confirm old step up was for 10G-P5-3897-KL where as the new step up is 10G-P5-3897-KR.. I hope we aren't getting refurbished cards otherwise they have some stuff to change on their website as it lists youd get a new card in a few places.

New part number should be 10G-P5-3897-RL based on the step-up page. 10G-P5-3897-KR is the non-LHR part number which has been discontinued. 
2021/12/20 09:27:04
Will the 3080 -RL queue be separate from those who entered for a -KR card and run concurrently, or will -RL cards not move until the -KR queue is complete?
2021/12/20 09:36:22
Will the 3080 -RL queue be separate from those who entered for a -KR card and run concurrently, or will -RL cards not move until the -KR queue is complete?

The -KR FHR SKU is dead, and was replaced by the -KL LHR SKU. If you were in the queue to buy, they sent out notification that all who had -KR reservations, were moving to the -KL SKU unless they explicitly wanted to stay in the -KR queue (which they said they didn't recommend). Assuming this also was true for anyone in the -KR step-up queue.  
2021/12/20 10:30:19
Oh yup sorry had the wrong part number copied, new one is RL, not KR.
2021/12/20 11:26:47
FWIW, heard reports from some that spoke to EVGA support that indeed the 10G-P5-3897-RL part number is correct, and b-stock 3080 FTW3 cards with a 3 year warranty will be used for step up. Still waiting on a response to the mail sent to support for confirmation if they also will honor any extended warranty transfer on the stepped up b-stock card. 
I guess if they are going to warranty a b-stock card for up to 10 years (doesn't sound like a good deal for EVGA but...) so be it... 
UPDATE: EVGA canceled my 3080 -RL step up request and emailed me that the 3080 option was a "programming issue"... so that's that... 

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