2021/11/26 20:55:05
Initial Step-up Date: 2/26/2021
Step-Up Queue: 11/15/2021
Processed Payment:11/15/2021
Old Card Shipped to EVGA: 11/16/2021
Received: 11/19/2021
Estimated Ship Date: 11/24/2021
Ship Date: 11/19/2021
Step-up Completed/Received by customer: 11/24/2021
280 Days total

2021/11/27 18:30:38
Step 1: 5/25/21
Step 2: 11/16/21
Step 3: 11/16/21
Step 4: 11/16/21
Step 5: 11/16/21
Shipped 3070: 11/17/21
EVGA Recived 3070: 11/22/21
EVGA Shipped 3080: 11/23/21
3080 Delivered: 11/27/21
Step-Up Complete: 11/27/21
Total Days: 186 Days
2021/11/27 21:59:01
Well, I'm screwed. I cannot seem to get my card to take the payment for my step up and this is after not even being able to get to any part of the site for part of this last week to begin with. I'm still having problems with Edge but no browser will work with the payment including thru my phone. The card company says it's not them and I can use it fine otherwise. My only other card is Discover which they do not take. I have emailed them but by the time they get back into the office it will be too late for my step up. 
Merry Christmas
2021/11/28 14:21:43
Well, I'm screwed. I cannot seem to get my card to take the payment for my step up and this is after not even being able to get to any part of the site for part of this last week to begin with. I'm still having problems with Edge but no browser will work with the payment including thru my phone. The card company says it's not them and I can use it fine otherwise. My only other card is Discover which they do not take. I have emailed them but by the time they get back into the office it will be too late for my step up. 
Merry Christmas

Call first thing Monday morning when they open and let them know there is a payment issue.
I bet they will take care of you.
Good luck
2021/11/29 23:45:11
The 3080 queue was long and with the rumors of a 3080 refresh (I read Nvidia is increasing ram on some models.) I think they want to get through the list before Nvidia stops sending 10 gb 3080s. That way they won't have to migrate anyone from any queues.

so you are saying new owners of 3080  are already in ditch dug by nvidia. 

No matter what, the 3080 non TI is one of if not the best value in the 3000 series.  I just got my step up done for my son and I would do it again unless there's a new 3080 with more VRAM for the same price.  I highly doubt if they replace the non-TI 3080 that it would hold the same price though.  So even if it has a little less VRAM, it's still a very solid gpu for years to come for most games especially at 1080p gaming.  If you are 1440 or more then it could use a little more VRAM for future games at that resolution but it would still be great gpu no matter what.  
2021/11/30 08:52:30
was going to do a step up from my 3070ti ftw to 3080 ftw ultra in north america
but it's not available now! Maybe the 3080 ftw is missing temporarily and will be back available in a day or so ?   
I have only until dec 8 to step up also.. 
2021/11/30 19:59:48
was going to do a step up from my 3070ti ftw to 3080 ftw ultra in north america
but it's not available now! Maybe the 3080 ftw is missing temporarily and will be back available in a day or so ?   
I have only until dec 8 to step up also.. 

You may have to do the 3080 TI FTW3 Ultra, 40 series are around the corner... I just looked production is about to start or its already started.
2021/12/01 08:38:30
step 1 - 6/3
step 2 - 11/16
step 3-5  11/22
3080 ftw recieved 11/29
2021/12/01 09:39:12
hey donta, probably just wait for the 4xxx or 5xxx gpus then.. 
thanks for info
2021/12/01 14:26:16
Step up from 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra to 3080 FTW3 Ultra.
Step 1 - 9/2/2021 8:52 PM (Approximate)
Step 2 - 11/30/2021 1:00 PM
Step 3 - 12/01/2021 5:02 PM
Step 4 - 12/01/2021 5:17 PM
Step 5 - 12/01/2021 5:38 pm
Shipped 12/06/21
EVGA Received 12/07/21
Updated: 3080 FTW3 Ultra upgrade has been received by me 12/09/21. Card definitely runs hotter then previous, and uses a lot more power. Seen card power usage in the 378 watts range.

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