2021/08/05 10:26:49
Step 2: 8/3 10:36am
Step 3: 8/4 10:35am

. . . But. . . It's been so long that I obtained a 3080 elsewhere and decided to give the 2070S to a friend, giving her the option to use this step up. She chose not to and just to stick with 2070S, so I have canceled this step up. Hopefully the next person in line doesn't have to wait too long.
2021/08/05 13:13:11
My Step up date was 10/14/2020. Hoping Step 2 comes soon. Upgrading from rtx 2070 XC to 3080 FTW3 10G-P5-3897-KL. Anyone close to my date get any progress yet?
2021/08/05 14:29:52
Someone with 10/13 got their step 2 yesterday.
2021/08/06 05:10:14
Someone with 10/13 got their step 2 yesterday.

That's right I forgot to add my registration date, it was 10/11.
2021/08/07 20:37:18
USPS tried to deliver my gpu to evga today but wasnt able to. Says they will try on the next business day.
Is evga closed on saturdays?
2021/08/08 02:40:38
Well this all makes me happy, I registered for step up 10/15....I was beginning to lose hope lol
2021/08/08 20:41:16
My Step 1 was 10/19, so I should be getting the Step 2 email sometime in the next week or two (hopefully). I'll say this... After waiting in a queue for going on 10+ months, I will never be using EVGA's Step-Up program again. At this point, I've seen multiple friends find MSRP 3080's at retailers in the last 3-ish months without even trying that hard. Being locked into the queue path -- and getting auto-downgraded to an LHR model in the midst of it -- has turned me completely off to this process for the future. I'll try my hand at the open market next time.
2021/08/08 20:55:42
I agree with everything u said. I might try it again when the market isn't so bad if need be but it definitely won't be my first or second option.
2021/08/08 20:59:35
You’re not locked in. You can buy a graphics card and cancel anytime.
You aren’t forced to do anything.
They’re the only company who does this.
If you dont appreciate it. Cancel and buy it yourself.
2021/08/08 22:23:09
No need for hostility man. Everything you said we already know. He's not the only one who feels that way. Let the man vent. It's been almost 10 months

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