ShikheepenguinnssShikheeI've narrowed it down to the fans as well. It's like a high pitched tone, almost like a beep. When at low speeds around 30% it's an intermittent beep sort of, when faster it's just a constant tone. Like my tinnitus is acting up or something. I've already put in a ticket last night just waiting on a response. It's honestly loud enough to where I'd RMA it. I'm curious do you know which fan/fans are making the noise?I want to say the third fan, or the one under the 3080 part on the side. Could I probably take it back to the microcenter where I got it for a replacement? It'd be faster than waiting on shipping
penguinnssShikheeI've narrowed it down to the fans as well. It's like a high pitched tone, almost like a beep. When at low speeds around 30% it's an intermittent beep sort of, when faster it's just a constant tone. Like my tinnitus is acting up or something. I've already put in a ticket last night just waiting on a response. It's honestly loud enough to where I'd RMA it. I'm curious do you know which fan/fans are making the noise?
ShikheeI've narrowed it down to the fans as well. It's like a high pitched tone, almost like a beep. When at low speeds around 30% it's an intermittent beep sort of, when faster it's just a constant tone. Like my tinnitus is acting up or something. I've already put in a ticket last night just waiting on a response. It's honestly loud enough to where I'd RMA it.
penguinnssI played around with the fan curves in precision x1 and when listening closely it sounds like the whine happens across the entire rpm range of the fan.
penguinnssShikheepenguinnssShikheeI've narrowed it down to the fans as well. It's like a high pitched tone, almost like a beep. When at low speeds around 30% it's an intermittent beep sort of, when faster it's just a constant tone. Like my tinnitus is acting up or something. I've already put in a ticket last night just waiting on a response. It's honestly loud enough to where I'd RMA it. I'm curious do you know which fan/fans are making the noise?I want to say the third fan, or the one under the 3080 part on the side. Could I probably take it back to the microcenter where I got it for a replacement? It'd be faster than waiting on shippingI don't know if Microcenter would have any stock to replace your card unfortunately.