2020/09/18 20:50:24
Yeah I posted a thread about it yesterday. For me it's just one fan when that fan is being powered. At a stable speed it's beep beep beep and when speeding up it's beeeeeeeeeeep until the fan noise drowns it out.
2020/09/18 21:52:01
I'm having the same exact issue, and I have 2 separate cables powering the GPU. I really hope that EVGA can find a software fix for this. I have all fans at 0% right now and I'm still getting the intermittent beeping unless it's just my ears ringing now lol.
I am really hoping I don't have to RMA this thing. 
2020/09/18 21:58:33
Okay after taking things apart again and observing the GPU the entire time the beep is definitely related to power to the fans, my previous assumption of no relationship was wrong. However, the beeping doesn't change in loudness or pitch with an increasing of fan speed like the previous coil whine I've experienced in high fps screens on the GTX 1080. It just seems to be whether they are running at all or not generates the same annoying tone. Also can anyone confirm for me that there is only two fan controls in Precision X1? Also in addition to spotting the source, I confirmed it's 100% the GPU (cut power and booted, no beep) and also tried running the PCI-E power cables from ports other than the ones being already used on the power supply. For those of you who have narrowed it down to one fan, what did you do to identify? All I can do in Precision X1 is set a minimum of 30% speed and only control two of the fans.
2020/09/18 23:08:43
So After trying, I've realized it's just the fan near the front end (Under the "3080" portion of the graphics card) I've disabled this fan for now and seems to be working with NO WHINE. 
However, this isn't a real fix. I'm hoping EVGA Can help as I've clearly been able to identify the cause of it through minimal investigation, even just sending me a new fan would be appropriate at this point.
2020/09/18 23:41:03
I've came to basically the same conclusion with my card as well. I'm hoping there will be a reasonable fix without sending the card in for an RMA. The fan I have issues with is up near the 2 8 pin power connectors on the card.
2020/09/18 23:42:16
does your guyses power slider work? if you move it to 108% check msi afterburner and see if it max's out at 100
2020/09/18 23:46:12
So After trying, I've realized it's just the fan near the front end (Under the "3080" portion of the graphics card) I've disabled this fan for now and seems to be working with NO WHINE. 
However, this isn't a real fix. I'm hoping EVGA Can help as I've clearly been able to identify the cause of it through minimal investigation, even just sending me a new fan would be appropriate at this point.

How did you disable the fan?
2020/09/19 00:02:06
There are 3 connectors on the back of the card, blue, tan, black. My fan causing the problem was the blue fan so I disconnected it. Not possible to do it through software from what I see. I don't recommend this as a long term solution, but I need the card for work (not content creation or anything so loads won't be heavy) and it's sitting at 33C right now Idle so it should be fine. I'm not going to game on it until I can get a replacement fan. 
PSA: I do not recommend unplugging the fan header if you don't know what you're doing. These cables are delicate so be very careful if you attempt. 
Hope this helps!
2020/09/19 00:07:35
You should post a follow up about what you hear about it. I'm curious if you would be able to just get a fan or if a RMA would be required.
2020/09/19 00:11:32
I submitted a ticket with all relevant info, I'll let you know what happens for sure. 

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