AvolateRMA's always happen. I had to RMA my 1080 because they didnt apply thermal pads correctly on a bunch of the first cards.
blackgoldYou can probably find a generic fan to replace the whining one. If you take the old one off it might have a label on it showing the manufacturer. Or go water cooling. :D Good luck on an RMA lol
OmoebablackgoldYou can probably find a generic fan to replace the whining one. If you take the old one off it might have a label on it showing the manufacturer. Or go water cooling. :D Good luck on an RMA lolI doubt that there will be a fan with the right dimensions and RPM available to purchase somewhere.
HellaciousEVGA_JacobF on Twitter said that they are looking into this.
rjbarkerGod bless Water Blocks....hope you guys get it sorted!