2021/03/13 09:43:25
Ha, ha, ha, they made a typo.....
This is ridiculous.  Why are you saying this nonsense as a bad joke?
2021/03/13 10:20:35
Cool GTX
EVGA allows the removal of the heatsink, change the TIM or thermal pads ..... it Does Not Void your warranty ... (unlike other brands)
However - you have to do the work correctly - As - Physical damage to the card - due to mishap or mishandling - is Not covered by Warranty
FAQ # 57720
Does water-cooling or installing a third party cooling solution on my video card void the warranty?
Installing third party cooling solutions does not void warranty on our products. Just be sure to keep the original cooling solution as it will have to be on the card if it is ever sent in for RMA. Any physical damage such as burn marks, water residue or damage, or any damage to the PCB will void ALL warranties.

FAQ # 58128

Will removing the heatsink from the video card and placing a 3rd party one on void my warranty?

No, putting a 3rd party cooling solution on the video card will not void your warranty. However, please take extra precaution when doing so as to make sure you do not damage the card removing the original cooling solution or the card itself installing the new 3rd party heatsink.

Due to our warranty terms cards that do not arrive in original factory condition will be declined warranty support and the product returned at the customer’s expense.
We strongly urge all of our customers to retain the original heat sink/fan.
2021/07/30 12:49:56
Bit late to the thread, but I put Thermal Grizzly Kryo on me previous RTX 2080 Black, it was doing the fan spin up spin down dance, sorted it out  a treat, dead easy to do as well. The old paste was shot, never got above 70C under heavy load in DCS playing VR with a G2 after re-pasting. Great stuff, but yeh prob not looking at massive temp drops if you already have pretty stable temps, also got TG thermal pads, but wasnt brave enough to switch those out at the time :D.
2022/03/15 17:45:55
Cool GTX
EVGA allows the removal of the heatsink, change the TIM or thermal pads ..... it Does Not Void your warranty ... (unlike other brands)

Kind of a necro buuutt

I just wanted to say, so obviously EVGA cards are not great with gddr6x.  Better than some companies like Gigabyte and MSI though.  However with the 6x cooling issues changing thermal pads is common practice on 3080's and above for most companies.  EVGA uses pretty bad thermal pads and someone I know who also has verifiable proof from CS got denied an RMA for changing thermal pads.  I don't know why he would even say he changed them in his request, but I guess he was nervous about being denied for it; even though every company I've dealt with does not care at all and generally I'll do a better job and 100% of the time I will use higher quality pads.  So anyways they denied him for this as he feared and the solution they gave to him was to buy their midlow quality pads from their store and install those in order to process his RMA.  So I would be cautious I guess.  EVGA is generally the best in terms of warranty but their terms have gotten very stringent as of late and much less customer friendly on paper.  I haven't had any issues in anyway with EVGA outside of receiving dead or physically damaged cards from their b-stock line up, but I thought I would throw that out there.  I believe it goes against right to repair laws and potentially this helps shed light on this situation so doesn't happen to others since they are just getting scammed out of money if they have to buy the stock thermal pads just to RMA their card.
Anyone who is competent knows changing your pads has no negative impact unless done poorly (bad pads/wrong size/forgetting to put some on) or you physically damage the card in doing so.  So I just find being denied for this a bit weird when it is done to repair the card for a design flaw.  It's like how a brand new car has it's engine blown in its first 500 miles, and because you changed to rims (that meet all the factory specifications) you get denied a warranty claim.  It's a random example not based on reality but it's something I'd expect from a car manufacturer as they'll look for any excuse they can to avoid expensive warranty claims.  Luckily they have to prove how the rims caused the issue which they can't so you win the court case or just win with higher ups within the car manufacturer.  Which I think they would have to do this with the thermal pads in order to deny the claim in this instance..  Who knows but apparently people have been denied warranty claims for changing pads.
2022/03/16 08:34:54
Cool GTX
Cool GTX
EVGA allows the removal of the heatsink, change the TIM or thermal pads ..... it Does Not Void your warranty ... (unlike other brands)

Kind of a necro buuutt

I just wanted to say, so obviously EVGA cards are not great with gddr6x.  Better than some companies like Gigabyte and MSI though.  However with the 6x cooling issues changing thermal pads is common practice on 3080's and above for most companies.  EVGA uses pretty bad thermal pads and someone I know who also has verifiable proof from CS got denied an RMA for changing thermal pads.  I don't know why he would even say he changed them in his request, but I guess he was nervous about being denied for it; even though every company I've dealt with does not care at all and generally I'll do a better job and 100% of the time I will use higher quality pads.  So anyways they denied him for this as he feared and the solution they gave to him was to buy their midlow quality pads from their store and install those in order to process his RMA.  So I would be cautious I guess.  EVGA is generally the best in terms of warranty but their terms have gotten very stringent as of late and much less customer friendly on paper.  I haven't had any issues in anyway with EVGA outside of receiving dead or physically damaged cards from their b-stock line up, but I thought I would throw that out there.  I believe it goes against right to repair laws and potentially this helps shed light on this situation so doesn't happen to others since they are just getting scammed out of money if they have to buy the stock thermal pads just to RMA their card.
Anyone who is competent knows changing your pads has no negative impact unless done poorly (bad pads/wrong size/forgetting to put some on) or you physically damage the card in doing so.  So I just find being denied for this a bit weird when it is done to repair the card for a design flaw.  It's like how a brand new car has it's engine blown in its first 500 miles, and because you changed to rims (that meet all the factory specifications) you get denied a warranty claim.  It's a random example not based on reality but it's something I'd expect from a car manufacturer as they'll look for any excuse they can to avoid expensive warranty claims.  Luckily they have to prove how the rims caused the issue which they can't so you win the court case or just win with higher ups within the car manufacturer.  Which I think they would have to do this with the thermal pads in order to deny the claim in this instance..  Who knows but apparently people have been denied warranty claims for changing pads.

Key terms of what is not covered by warranty - "Products that are modified outside of factory specifications and/or not in factory condition."
So pads would need to be correct dimention, softness & placed in factory location & EVGA uses "thermal putty" in several locations.

Maybe that could be an issue / "requirement"?  - I do not know & have not seen an EVGA FAQ stating such
Thermal Putty for EVGA GeForce RTX 30 Series VRM, 8g
Without a link to the customers thread your speaking of with details, it is hard to know exactly what the issue was for their RMA
Both FAQ previously listed by me earlier in this thread are still active
Note EVGA statement in FAQ 58128
"Due to our warranty terms cards that do not arrive in original factory condition will be declined warranty support and the product returned at the customer’s expense."

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