• Overclocking Lab
  • [Guide] How to force max voltage & curve overclock with msi afterburner (p.5)
2018/07/14 17:10:08
Are you sure that it is impossible to raise the voltage?

Yes, I am 100% sure... https://forums.evga.com/FindPost/2732377
2018/07/14 17:22:41
That's sad to hear but lets hope it can be fixed somehow in the future. Have a good one!

PS: message me if it gets solved ;)
2018/07/14 17:26:20
Have a good one!

You too. 
2018/07/30 03:30:04
Thanks for this guide.  I have had my Pascal cards since day one and had no clue how to use the voltage curve in MSI.  Thank you!
2018/07/30 06:04:17
No problem. 
2018/09/02 12:27:56
Hey, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I went to 1093Mhz in Voltage/Frequency curve editor, and there was no white line, only a yellow line to start with. I'm also unsure if there is a specific Mhz I should be aiming for, since this uses the V/F curve instead of a solid +Mhz overclock.
2018/09/02 13:36:09
Use the the skin I'm using, and the first line you'll see will be white.
2018/09/02 14:25:35
That definitely helped. Unfortunately I was only able to accomplish this after one step.
Another concern I have is, since I have an EVGA iCX card, will I need to run both Precision OC X and MSI Afterburner to ensure both my fans will be curved based on MSI settings? Do I need to adjust sliders in Precision OC X as well? I feel like the overclocking utilities could conflict with each other, and playing with both produced different monitoring results depending on how I changed settings in both.
2018/09/02 14:35:31
will I need to run both Precision OC X and MSI Afterburner to ensure both my fans will be curved based on MSI settings?

Yes, I'd recommend only using xoc for your fan curves, then use msi afterburner for everything else... monitoring, overclocking, etc.
2018/09/19 13:08:19
thanks, very easy. 

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