Do you have v-sync enabled in the game?
I have it disabled in-game but enabled via Nvidia control panel. I read something about changing the V-sync to adaptive will improve performance?
If your monitor refresh rate is 60 hz and you have vsync enabled (as you do), the max frame rate you will experience will be 60 fps. That's how vsync works.
Adaptive vsync would still limit you to 60 fps.
V-SYNC - Framerate synced with monitor refresh rate (no tearing, input lag, increasing input lag as framerate lowers since)
V-SYNC OFF - Framerate un-synced (tearing, very little input lag)
Adaptive Sync - At high framerates, VSync is enabled to eliminate tearing. At low frame rates, it's disabled to minimise stuttering. (input lag at high frame rates, tearing at low frame rates)
FAST-SYNC - De-coupled rendering and monitor refresh. VSYNC OFF but the monitor will only render completely rendered frames, thus eliminating tearing (MINOR input lag but NO TEARING! ) also it is monitor agnostic so it will work with any screen. It is analogous to hardware triple buffering but does not back-pressure the render pipeline.
If you want the vsync affect but also higher framerates, change it to fast-sync.