2017/04/27 21:00:51
I got you fam


2017/04/28 10:43:41
Shoot, that's a helluva idea for a mod.  You got me thinking now....
2017/05/03 21:58:36
So let me get this right it is the 1080 that will work on the 1080ti? Also I have SLI fe 1080ti will they work in SLI config?
2017/05/13 11:54:00
I just installed the "official" 1080Ti Hybrid kit last night.  The installation was easy and the results are fantastic.  The instructions could have been better, but common sense got me through it along with watching Gamers Nexus videos.  I am using a Noctua Industrial 3000 RPM fan in push setup.  (no i dont run it that high) but, running Superposition benchmark I was able to achieve +185 on the clock and +575 on the memory with a score of 6361 1080P Extreme. The fan was at 2200 and the fan on the card was set to aggressive with a max temp of 44C.  Impressive results considering I haven't really tinkered with it that much.  I just set the fan to 1500 and the internal fan to quiet as a daily drive with +160 on the clock and +500 on the memory......butter.
2018/01/08 07:38:54
heyy guys I know this is an old post but If you're interested in doing this mod, I've written a similar guide on LTT forums: https:// linustechtips. com/main/topic/ 669626-guide-modding-a-watercooled-titan-style-card/
(Take out the spaces)

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