if you own a car, doesn't mean you can blast 100mph down a residential street
if you own a house, doesn't mean it's a good idea to fire up a coal BBQ inside the house
if you own a CPU, doesn't mean it's a good idea to overvolt it, run your cooling at 30%, and then run Prime95 for hours
ffs these are the most absurd posts i have ever seen. no card maker, EVGA or otherwise, is required to create cooling that anticipates that the end user is going to be a nonce and blatantly ignore warnings from Nvidia.
just because you own a thing doesn't mean it's the manufacturer's fault when you do something patently stupid with it.
good lord, the logic in here is astounding.
Your first analogy make no sense, at all. Usually if you have to come down to car comparaison you lost your point anyway.
Same goes for the second one... . You have a house, you do whatever you want.
The third is better if it wasn't obviously flawed, actually you can't cause any damage, a
stock CPU will shutdown and/or throttle if the temps are over the
well designed package, "protection mechanisms, temps limit being one, over-current protection being another". (unless you talk about an I386, obsolete or flawed material)
I think it all come down to the capacity of one to read: what i mean?, well just read. let me highlight the post of esmir:
Read this post from 2011 (GEFORCE):
By Manuel Giuuzman
Customer Care
"Furmark is an application designed to stress the GPU by maximizing power draw well beyond any real world application or game. In some cases, this could lead to slowdown of the graphics card due to hitting over-temperature or over-current protection mechanisms. These protection mechanisms are designed to ensure the safe operation of the graphics card.
Using Furmark or other applications to disable these protection mechanisms can result in permanent damage to the graphics card and void the manufacturer's warranty".
do not disable any protection mechanism
(it's even stated on the post itself...) . It only push the GPU Chip to his maximum, causing it to draw MORE power, The more the VRM's need to deliver and regulate the lower the efficiency is...the higher the temperature are (by-product of low efficiency HEAT! in Watt, In return Heat will also affect the efficiency if not dealt with...AKA Thermal Runaway). If the Power delivery/regulation stage is Undersized, not efficient enough, and/or not cooled enough, components will blow, melt, wears, mofsets anyone? (101 of electronic and watts dissipation) see it all come to basic design and proper measures to counter a nefarious effect HEAT.
Now, don't get me wrong, you can temper with these protections
in some case, but certainly not with furmark, it usually require some hard-mod (changing resistance/components or hard-bypass) or need tempering in lower instruction level (bios, rom/eprom in general, what M.G call
other applications in that case : nibitor,Maxwell-bios editor, kepler-bios, editor used to alter the card bios).