I have now tested both the previous and the new secondary 1070 FTW BIOSes in 5 min 30 seconds of heaven. Ambient temps were 28 - 30 deg C. My HW monitoring results are below. I have included the GPU core temp, fan %, and fan tachometer columns only but can update with the rest.
From my testing it appears
there is no (or negligible) fan speed increase in the new secondary BIOS and in fact there appears to be a slight fan speed reduction. I have only tested to the mid 60 deg C range - I'm not comfortable testing higher. The new secondary BIOS also appears slower to ramp up the fan speeds. As previously mentioned, the idle fan RPMS has also been halved from 1,000 to 500 RPM.
I don't really understand these changes and I will probably roll back to the previous BIOS.
I would grateful if anyone has information to help me understand these changes to the 1070 FTW secondary BIOS since they appear to be simply a fan speed reduction and contrary to my understanding of the purpose of this update.
[Edit 1: tried to add the data as JPGs because I don't know how to add it as a .txt file or as a table but they're unreadable due to the size reduction applied, I tried adding a google sheets link but the forum doesn't allow it, I don't know how best to share HW monitoring data here but if anyone can let me know how to do it I will add it]
[Edit 2: to try to make the JPGs legible I have included only the start and end of the test run - cropping most of the middle]
Previous 1070 FTW secondary BIOS
New (current) 1070 FTW secondary BIOS