nothing bad, just trying to establish if i should apply this new bios, i dont feel confident neither do I want to do something wrong and ruin both of my cards, right now im running my fans manually at 50% and at 70% whilst gaming so the cards are cool.
I saw that you tube video where someones evga 1080 FTW goes up in flames, literally, the last thing i want is for my cards to go in flames, took me over a year to save up for these components, i usually go to OCUK and there are many people complaining that EVGA effed up during manufacturing ect ect so I want to do the safest thing
People are really overreacting to this whole deal.
MAYBE if you have a E
xtremely hot room with R
eally bad case air flow running a heavy benchmark program something
MIGHT happen. Even If something does happen Evga's warranty and customer support is
the best I have ever dealt with.