Hi, i have an evga 1070 sc, i don't do overclock, overall is going great. My question is: i have to install new bios and eventually thermal pads? Even if i don't overclock it? Thanks all
Honestly at this point I would advise it yes. I also own a 1070 SC and I have the new VBIOS, and all the VRM/Mosfet related issues aside im much happier with the new 0db fan curve on the new VBIOS just because of the core temps. As far as the thermal pads id also advise that, and they have said you are under warranty even if you attempt yourself, and you will learn alot in the process + have insurance to do so. Lastly if you truly are uncomfortable they offer an RMA for the fix. But note that if you card is out of the 30 days from purchase gap that you may and likely will receive a non-new card replacement with the fixes applied (i.e. you get to play silicon lottery again).
Your positions are really ironic. You've been mindlessly defending Evga and attacking people who have a different opinion than yours, and yet you yourself don't seem to trust Evga when it comes down to it.
This is Evga's response to my ticket asking whether pads are necessary for 1070 sc or not:
"Just to clear up any misconceptions, the thermal pads are completely optional and in no way, necessary. As you can imagine the internet has blown a few unrelated and isolated incidences out or proportion as it often does with things. If you have concerns, then we can send you thermal pads to install your self. To get these, please go to evga.com/thermalmod."
So which one is it bud ? You trust Evga and you do as they say, or are you a hypocrite ?