2016/10/18 01:42:40
The installers are automated, but you still have to flash the master and slave on each card x2.
2016/10/18 01:48:17
Looks to be stable @ 9Ghz with +500Mhz on the memory.  Thanks for the update.
2016/10/18 01:48:20
Luta Wicasa
No real "automated" way to bios flash
2016/10/18 01:55:05
it's 2 am, sue me, lol. I know what you mean tho. it's fairly simple, double click the update.exe and wait.
2016/10/18 01:57:45
Luta Wicasa
it's 2 am, sue me, lol. I know what you mean tho. it's fairly simple, double click the update.exe and wait.

Hahaha....that was actually directed towards Octavian
2016/10/18 02:14:16
Ok, (Deleted for Foul Language) happens, so I will try to update them one by one and master/slave and so on. Sometime. At the moment I do not keep the cards overclocked.
By the way, your cards are used 100% in game? Mine are not used full all the time and this is my biggest problem, not te overclockability of the Micron Memory.
2016/10/18 02:23:06
Luta Wicasa
Octavian, if you've not experienced any problems thus far....no rush I'd imagine
2016/10/18 02:28:07
I usually keep the system up to date, but I overclock only after some months of usage. I do not see a reason to overclock on day 1 since this configuration seems to have enough performance for what I currently do. I will overclock and I will flash, now I try to see what other people experience and to clarify the easiest way to do it in my configuration.
2016/10/18 02:28:50
Ok, (Deleted/Quoting Foul Language) happens, so I will try to update them one by one and master/slave and so on. Sometime. At the moment I do not keep the cards overclocked. 
By the way, your cards are used 100% in game? Mine are not used full all the time and this is my biggest problem, not te overclockability of the Micron Memory.

actually nvflash supports flashing bios on not just the first pcie slot's card but also other pcie slot card. just different command you need to type in. if i remember it correctly there is a command for sli bios flashing too. google it.
what you need is the exact rom files and then you can flash them without taking off the cards, simply switch the bios button can do the trick.
maybe you should ask jacob about this, he may make you a auto flashing exe for sli.
2016/10/18 02:39:48
How do you all getting up to 200+ watts power consumption? According to hwinfo my 1070ftw never goes above 162w mark. All this while overclocked +75 core and +250 memory (before bios update). Voltage is up to max and power limit also lifted to 112% (this is max i have either on master or slave bios). Temp is not issue: max i got whike stresstesting was 65 with fans at 70%. Am I doing something wrong? At +100 on core 3d mark and heaven crashes only after 10 sec of running.

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