2016/10/17 15:48:17
My previous happy dance was crushed by reality. I'm am forced to 8726 MHz. The previous 88xx was not game stable. Still a big improvement. No need to go kick rocks over it. Thanks again for the bios update. 
2016/10/17 16:46:40
Like I said in another topic the BIOS update has allowed me to go from 8500MHz to 8900MHz without crashing where as 8600MHz would trigger checkerboarding and a BSOD. Had it briefly at 9000MHz but it didn't seem to like that.
2016/10/17 16:59:42
Hi, I installed first bios after that I switched the card to slave mode then installed the second bios.
is that right?
and It is necessary to re-install Nvidia driver?
2016/10/17 17:07:29
Previous I was at +550 total mem (+275 in Afterburner) no artifacts or checker.  Would checker at 600.  I can now run at 600 but 650+ wont make it through heaven without a driver crash (black screen with delay then resume the benchmark, easily see artifacts prior).  I have standard ACX 3.0 wit +175 (max boost 2076) on core and 300 Memory.  Not much of a difference for me.....though it almost seems that my max boost clock is a tad bit lower under heavy loading in the benchmarks.
I may wipe the drivers, reload and rerun, but don't expect a change.  I am still on 372.90 as it's stable.
2016/10/17 17:19:58
Now 9000mhz memory is achievable. I am running Evga 1070 SC sli and it boosted pretty good. Before I couldn't go higher than 8400mhz. At 400mhz + on memory. Now I get 500mhz + stable. Even core was better.
2016/10/17 18:29:00
I don't know how, but this bios update cured my ED.
Thank you EVGA
2016/10/17 21:38:09
Luta Wicasa
Well....thanks Evga for as prompt a response to this as you could.
I don't have the Micron so I wasn't impacted but, I have linked here from a site I admin to lend a hand to others.
2016/10/17 21:46:12
Not sure if anyone else has this with there 1070 ftw but the fans don't shut off in 2d/idle mode (no oc and everything is at stock settings in precision ocx) with this new bios update (main bios). it's not a huge problem as the fans are only at 20%, and can't be lowered in precision ocx (i'm running 6.0.6). Again it's not a huge problem keeps the card even cooler, just though the techs might want to know.
2016/10/17 22:05:33
I'm still experiencing crashes unless kboost is on
2016/10/17 22:33:43
If you are using windows 7:
Set max performance in NVCP on global tab, add windows\explorer.exe, windows\system32\dwm.exe in NVCP on programs tab(max performance), you can turn kboost off and reboot.
If you are using windows 10: do the 2 steps above, plus this one below and reboot.
windows\systemapps\shellexperiencehost_cw5n1h2txyewy\shellexperiencehost.exe to NVCP on program tab(max performance).
It's the same as KBoost, but you're using Windows to idle at base clock and .762mv.

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