Hello, just installed my 1070 FTW (08G-P4-6276-KR) but i'm in no way an expert and have never updated the bios on a GPU... so bare with me.. what I need to do is download BOTH Bios (primary and secondary), then install the primary and restart the pc, shut it down then put the gpu on slave mode and flash the secondary, restart the pc again, shut it down and then pass it to master mode and that's it??
Thanks to everyone in advance and sorry for my bad english
that is correct sir. if you intend to overclock the gpu leave the bios set to slave.
im not sure if you will experience this but feel like ill mention it just in case you do. after flashing the primary on my ftw hybrid i shut down the pc and switched to the slave. when i started up my machine once i got past the mobo flash screen on my monitor was a multi colored checker board. i acted quickly and turned the rig off. came here for advice... on my second attempt i again got the checker board but let it run, a couple seconds later windows 10 populated a blue screen that said there was a problem with my hardware, windows was collecting data and restarting. i let it, after the restart it booted fine to the desktop with no issue. i flashed the slave bios, restarted and started over clocking.
you may not experience the same thing but considering mine did it twice after switching it on the gpu i dont think it was a fluke. so i just wanted to let you know so if you do it wont completely flip you out like it did me. :) just let it go to blue screen and restart and it should boot up fine based on my experience.