2016/11/09 16:50:32
Ben Fordrin
Thank you again!
So i choose BIOS 2 if i plan to overclock my card?
(Sry if this is a stupid question, but i'm really new to that kind of business)

2016/11/09 16:58:49
Ben Fordrin
Great! Thanks for the informations. Have a nice day! (or evening, or whatever suits to your timezone ;)
2016/11/11 08:52:47
My 1070 FTW Hybrid has Master/Slave. How to tell if Primary is meant for Master and Secondary for Slave or otherwise. Please help.
2016/11/11 09:14:17
My 1070 FTW Hybrid has Master/Slave. How to tell if Primary is meant for Master and Secondary for Slave or otherwise. Please help.

Easy to tell. Primary means Master......
2016/11/11 11:10:11
hello, i need some help with this bios update. i just installed a ftw 1070 hybrid. i was successful updating the primary bios, but i powered down the system, opened the case and flipped the switch near the power inputs on the card, started up the system and after the mobo flash screen my display just went crazy. there was a blur of colorful snow on screen and then my monitor went into power save mode. i turned off the system and flipped the switch back to primary and everything was fine. 
am i doing it wrong? why did it go crazy with the slave selected on the card? please help!!!!
2016/11/11 11:18:45
hello, i need some help with this bios update. i just installed a ftw 1070 hybrid. i was successful updating the primary bios, but i powered down the system, opened the case and flipped the switch near the power inputs on the card, started up the system and after the mobo flash screen my display just went crazy. there was a blur of colorful snow on screen and then my monitor went into power save mode. i turned off the system and flipped the switch back to primary and everything was fine. 
am i doing it wrong? why did it go crazy with the slave selected on the card? please help!!!!

Hey Kevin. I just noticed your other post, and recently replied to it.
Great to see you found the switch your self.

I can't post links, so I hope you can figure out how to navigate to it yourself (else I can try to PM you the link).
I had "similar" issues when changing bios, but people told me I was fine. You can check my "wall of text" and see if the problem you're having is similar.

forums.evga.com/1070FTW-Slave-Bios-White-checkboard-on-bootup-m2567249 (Just put http in front, and DOTaspx in the end)
2016/11/11 13:04:26
i guess ill try it again. when it happened last time i just turned it off n switched it back. i thought i had fried something somehow! im fairly nervous to try it again to be honest... 
2016/11/11 13:47:41
i guess ill try it again. when it happened last time i just turned it off n switched it back. i thought i had fried something somehow! im fairly nervous to try it again to be honest... 

Yeah I can relate to that.
I see you're finally getting help in your first thread, so I'll leave it at that. Good luck :)
2016/11/11 14:02:28
i got it! thanks for the help. it did the same thing the second time but i let ity run to blue screen and after it restarted it was golden. 
2016/11/12 02:01:24
I use the exe to run the bios update and i have the On the GTX 1070 Black edition ... i didnt check what was the bios before that but its not the 01.70 one is it normal for the GTX1070 black edition or ? 

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