2016/10/30 12:45:17
Everything matches, except my part number is BR instead of KR. 
Is this an issue, or can I apply BIOS update?
OC issues are black screen after 3 hours on 225/325 boosts.

That is fine the BR and the KR cards are the same, the last two digits of the Part Number just indicate the warranty on the product with BR cards having 1 year of warranty and KR having 3. Both BR and KR cards use the same BIOS

Thanks a ton.
Gotta do it carefully.
Its not like flashing the bios on the motherboard right?
2016/10/31 07:18:02
I have flashed my GTX 1070 FTW and the overclocking potential is still bad :(.
I can only overlock my card with +80 mhz at core. When I  tried to overclock the Memory, games(GTA 5, Planet Coaster, AC Unity) and 3DMark has crashed, even if I only at 10 mhz.
Im still disappointed at the moment. Otherwise the card is brilliant. Its silent and looking very good.
2016/10/31 07:24:58
I have flashed my GTX 1070 FTW and the overclocking potential is still bad :(.
I can only overlock my card with +80 mhz at core. When I  tried to overclock the Memory, games(GTA 5, Planet Coaster, AC Unity) and 3DMark has crashed, even if I only at 10 mhz.
Im still disappointed at the moment. Otherwise the card is brilliant. Its silent and looking very good.

Its silent and superheated? 
2016/10/31 07:38:48
After looking more deeply into this update, and doing some research I found following. It appears that Micron's memory chips dint run at rated 8gb/s speeds, they were somewhere between 7,5~7,8 or in rare cases even lower than that, and this update supposedly fixed that issue, besides overclocking, which wouldn't be the main issue, because I got micron memory as well and it was out of the box at 8004 mb/s or in other words 8gb+/s which is what is rated speed if we look spec sheets and box, and I was able to push it even further than that, my current memory oc is 8496 mb/s, you can see that while running afterburner or precision x in on screen display modes, how ever if you do see your memory is bellow 8gb/s or ~3480+something, remember double the rate (for those who are confused while looking at on screen displays), you should try the update, if you are like me and with micron memory. How ever if you have single bios card and you got this micron issue when u'r not getting your 8gb/s memory speed, and u'r not experienced or maybe a bit worried about updating gpu bios, and you dont much care about oc or your current memory speed doesn't affect you at any way, perhaps you shouldn't update the bios, because if b any chance you got electric outage or jump in your household you can brick your card just like that, it depends on you and how you feel.
Some gpu manufacturers like gigabyte still hasnt released any bios updates for their cards, since they claim no1 of their users have claimed to have any issues with micron's memory (that means all of their users got rated mem speeds 8gb/s+), how ever other vendors like asus, palet etc, how ever got these micron issues and have relased bios updates for their cards, so its not only evga's who got these issues, its simply a memory manufacturer fault, since micron memory is considered to be a lower end if compared to samsung's memory, which maybe be a true, because most of micron's memory have been shipped to europe, and euro users have affected with these memory speeds, most of american and australian users got samsung memory and doesnt need an gpu bios update, also they are the ones who can push mem oc near close to 9gb/s have seen some even with 9.2 gb/s (rare cases though).
I paid for my card 495 euros, which is pretty much, in my country, and I got micron memory, but i cant complain either I have my rated 8gb/s+ speeds.
2016/10/31 07:52:44
I have flashed my GTX 1070 FTW and the overclocking potential is still bad :(.
I can only overlock my card with +80 mhz at core. When I  tried to overclock the Memory, games(GTA 5, Planet Coaster, AC Unity) and 3DMark has crashed, even if I only at 10 mhz.
Im still disappointed at the moment. Otherwise the card is brilliant. Its silent and looking very good.

Well my friend, core clocks is something you just have to deal with since they depend on silicon lottery, thats not something you can control or change, If I were you, I wouldn't spend my nerves and energy thinking about that, if you have core clock at load above 2000+ ur good, more than that, we are speaking of marginal gains from 2-4+fps which in real life you don't even notice, so don't bother with that bull crap, be happy that your card haven't catched flames yet like other unfortunate users, at least you can enjoy your games and card.

By the way, atm edit your fan curve so that your card spins fans, because by default they only start to spin at 60 celsius which in current evga's cooler fiasco is a bit dangerous, no need to cook your card , before they come up with solution for current coolers, speaking of ''thermal pad mod'', I my self use 40% fan speed while my card is bellow 45 celsius, since Im waiting on thermal pads and from evga to be shipped, Im not willing to risk my card and cook it before that, how ever I do enjoy silent mode, but not until I'm 100% sure that I wont damage my pcb, so my recommendations to you is use 30-40% fan speed until your card hits 40 or 45 celsies by then ur most likely play games and shoudl use 70-75% speed at all times, to keep your card at 55-60+ celsius, just to be safe:p until all issues are dressed.
2016/11/01 10:37:28
This update is required?
My 1070 FTW - Memory Samsung with no over works so fine...
2016/11/01 12:23:48
This update is required?
My 1070 FTW - Memory Samsung with no over works so fine...

If you have ''SAMSUNG'' memory, then ur golden, because this update is for those users with micron chips, I explained everything above, you should read what I wrote, I made  it very clear.
2016/11/01 22:37:02
Mine is 1070 FTW 08G-P4-6276-KR, which should I install? primary or dual? Is it the update mentioned in  www.evga.com/thermalmod/ ?
2016/11/02 00:25:06
Where can i find the update for the 1080 dt?
2016/11/02 03:31:17
Doesnt work for some reason..
I got the EVGA GTX 1070 FTW (08G-P4-6276-KR) in a Alienware Graphics Amplifier (+ Alienware 15R2)
I only get a Black screen ( The monitor is changing to sleep mode), the Notebook screen ist stil working, but thats it.. when i restart the Alienware 15R2, its still the old bios
Does someone have an idea ?
kind regards

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