2016/10/20 15:31:39
Is this suppose to address the issue that was posted here,&nbsp www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/58hnzb/word_of_warning_the_evga_1080_blackscreenfan_bug/ it seems like the issue posted here is hardware not software and beginning to be concerned about my recent purchase of a GTX 1070 SC

The BIOS fix was something to do with Micron memory not the hotspot issue. My 1070 FTW had Samsung memory and it caught fire right in the hot area... But your SC is not a FTW card so I don't know if there is any difference.
2016/10/20 17:18:20
i have a problem tonight I went to bios slave and flashed it and it booted up flashing checker board really fast and now it boots up to a black screen in windows. 
I checked it before rebooting and it took the flash. Now its blank in windows. what  now
I got it to come on in windows and the bios # is correct but the fans arent running at 20% all the time like its supposed to.
What the heck now its only giving me 112% power before it gave me 120% that bull crap.
2016/10/21 01:27:51
Luta Wicasa
I've seen it reported that it has taken more than a single bios flash in at least one instance...try reflashing?
2016/10/21 01:32:43
Hello. Can you give me an hand?
This is my card:
It's the 1070 ftw acx 3.0
Could you tel me exactly how to flash the first and the second bios? I've read about to put tha vga in slave mode for flash the 2nd bios...How can I switch it in slave mode???
But first of all. Can I make a backup of my original bios if something will be wrong with the update?

Thanks for answer.
Asic quality of 60.2 on a 1070 evga isnt too low??
2016/10/21 02:17:47
So far my 1070 FTW seems to clock very well on the core, but no so much on the memory. Very disappointing.
My card has Micron GDDR5. Yesterday I updated both BIOSes with the fix. Pre-update BIOS I could hit 2139mhz Core and 2152mhz memory (+150/+300 in XOC). Anything over +300 on memory would crap out in Valley, causing it to lock up or CTD. This was on *primary* BIOS with 112% PT
Post update, I use the slave BIOS with 122% PT and the same clocks. It runs, but any higher on the memory and its instant fail. Not just CTD or application lockup, I had to hard power down my PC to get out. It seems the slave BIOS performs worse, and there is no difference between the pre- and post update BIOS in terms of memory performance. I can't be temp limited, as the card settles at around 60 C with my fan profile so I suspect VRAM/VRM heat.
The lacking mem OC is really holding my card back. Will keep an eye on this over the weekend but I might return it, especially because of the hot spot issue (even though my temps are on the low end) and lacking communication surround that, I don't want to have a dud just outside of warranty and I see other cards mem OC to 2200 or 2300. That's a significant performance difference.
2016/10/21 02:24:37
I tred some basic overclocking with the new BIOS (only 2-3 tries because I had not enough time for this). 
Power: 110%
Core: +150
Mem: +500
A compare between stock and OC on Fire Strike, I see some 5%:
www . 3dmark . com/compare/fs/10532530/fs/10532624
For sure, I need to try it more and see what it happens, I just wanted to see if I can make +500 to mem.
PS: Why is not working to insert a link? I tried and it was not visible, so I edited.
2016/10/21 02:44:53
Luta Wicasa
PS: Why is not working to insert a link? I tried and it was not visible, so I edited.

There are minor limitations on our "New Member" accounts....I believe posting links is enabled after ten or so posts
2016/10/21 03:39:57
Luta Wicasa
Well....thanks Evga for as prompt a response to this as you could.
I don't have the Micron so I wasn't impacted but, I have linked here from a site I admin to lend a hand to others.

Yes, this is good on the side of EVGA. I've just been reading the NVdia forum jungle and it appears EVGA are the only main manuf. to release an updated BIOS for this specific (Micron) related issue so far.
Doesn't actually affect me, but just wanted to say thanks to cust. Serv./engineering/programers for dealing with this proplerly and promptly. 
2016/10/21 04:05:48
Hello guys. I got my GTX 1070 FTW ACX 3.0 5 days ago.
I just realized that the card is already switched to " slave " mode. Is that normal by default? Like i said, i bought it brand new 5 days ago and just checked it for the first time. The switch is  set to " slave ", not master.
So " Primary Bios " is " master " and " Secondary Bios " is slave, correct? Do i first have to update the primary bios and then the secondary bios or doesnt it matter which way round?
2016/10/21 04:50:48
And one more question: what should be the default bios? Im not gonna oc. Slave like it is now or master?

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