This does make complete sense for them to do this. The market value for people going 3x 4x SLI was not way up there. More coding, more SLI support means more money they pay their engineers. So, cut that back, and more money for the wise guys. Yep... Jen Hsun coming home with a fatter check and paying engineers less money. lmao...
That's often the hard part. You have to remember that this is a business and it is costly. Putting on the game developers where it should be has never worked out, either.
Sajin is a very intelligent individual along with many others here. They get this, they just don't like it. It is difficult when your area of use is 'attacked'. In this scenario, there is no chance of it working itself through because they have now made it physically impossible with physics of the card and HB bridge. We have to wait and see what they do with the higher end Pascal.