The control panel isn't incorrect? lol. The control panel is showing two cards in 2-way sli yet it just says SLI.
Indeed, because of course, it wouldn't need to say 2-way as that is the only possible SLI config with two GPU's. So, putting 2-way would be as redundant as your arguments. Whereas with 3 or more GPU's, additional configurations are possible. So the control panel is entirely correct and your usage is wrong as established by Nvidia.
Maybe to you it doesn't need to say 2-way, but to me it needs to say 2-way because just saying SLI makes it seem like the word SLI means 2-way.
You completely missed his(her?) point.
If you have 3
matching cards, you can have 3-way SLI... or 2-way SLI + whatever for the 3rd card. As that was what was done for the 3 GTX 1080s used in nVidia's Fun House demo PC. Ironically, that goes directly against their SLI FAQ that states you can't do 2-way SLI + 1 if all three are the same card.
So, in that case, you have to state you have it in 3-way or in 2-way. And you need to inform people exactly if you're running 2-way +1 or 3-way.
But, if you have only 2 cards... saying you have 2-way SLI means the same as just saying SLI, because you only have 2 cards and that's the minimum for SLI. Cause last I checked... you can't SLI one card.
This also translates to 4 cards... where you can run them in 4-way, 3-way + 1 or 2-way + 2 (theoretically anyway).
And if you want to argue f-ing semantics about the "definition" of SLI...
NVIDIA's SLI technology is an exercise in parallelism, which GPUs already do on a massive scale. Commonly, SLI systems are identified as being "n-Way SLI" configurations, and within the context of this guide: "2-Way SLI" applies to any system using two graphics cards in SLI; "3-Way SLI" for any system with three graphics cards in SLI; and "4-Way SLI" denoting any system with four graphics cards or GPUs in SLI (so as to be applicable for two dual-GPU cards in SLI.)