2016/05/13 16:05:10
I still see the OP hasnt fixed his title. 
2016/05/13 16:16:13
I have returned after a 2 year hiatus to participate in a soon-to-be epic thread.  This lack of 3/4 way SLI is disappointing.  For what it's worth Sajin, I knew exactly what you meant when I read the title.  I'm still rocking my 4 Titans on 7680x1440.  I really enjoy the performance of one card/screen.  Was looking forward to picking up 3 of these, but it looks like I will wait.
Oh and hey everyone:)

Welcome back. 
2016/05/13 20:31:03
Originally Posted by Hilbert Hagedoorn
Nvidia does indeed stop supporting 3 and 4-way SLI for Pascal and newer products. But there actually will be a way to do 3 and 4 way SLI, I'll explain it in the upcoming 1080 article.


What's the point in hacking it to work when it won't be optimized? 

The same argument with the *officially* unsupported SLI configs for the 700 and 900 series. Whats the point in doing anything that isn't officially supported? Those kooky enthusiasts! There ought to be a law...
Anyhow, it appears it is possible just not *officially* supported.

Yeah, it may be awesome to get it working, but if it isn't giving you any higher performance in game it's pointless.

Well of course, why state the obvious? If there is no performance gain, then by definition 'it ain't working' and would be pointless.
2016/05/13 21:07:30
Xavier Zepherious
1080 supports 2,3 4 way SLi...the problem is that the HB bridge only works 2-way as of now - sacrificing any other card not getting any bandwidth - -
look at the bridge - a standard single sli bridge is 1/2 that size wide

HB bridge

Duh!! comes to mind here - - ie 4 way sli bridge.... in a 2 way config
makes for double bandwidth
that doesn't stop you from using a dedicated Physx or going double 2-way
if Nvidia was that concerned with bandwidth then make a NVlink connector for the cards or devise new SLI transit protocol..ie sli 2.0

Correct, essentially, they just made it two single ribbons, using both fingers at the same time between two cards for double the bandwidth.
What saddens me is that they finally decide to make some updates to SLI capabilities, and instead of getting rid of the bridge all together like amd did with the 290x, they just limit the cards to two for "high bandwidth" and use both fingers at the same time for sli.
Might give a boost to AMD if you can actually run 3 and 4 cards where the drivers are actually made for it and the 1080 is limited to two.
Also, anyone find it humorous that there are screws missing in that picture?
2016/05/13 21:48:57
I still see the OP hasnt fixed his title. 

He's actually changed it twice now. I think it's time to move on from that. It's old news now.
2016/05/14 02:32:50
3 way and 4 way does work. listen to someone who knows first hand. Jaystwocents show from yesterday. 

can you please tell us at around what time of the video he mentions this ? its like a 90 mins video lol
2016/05/14 10:15:55
3 way and 4 way does work. listen to someone who knows first hand. Jaystwocents show from yesterday. 

can you please tell us at around what time of the video he mentions this ? its like a 90 mins video lol

Start at the 6:00 mark
2016/05/14 11:17:59
LINUS from the Wan show just said Nvidia emailed him and said more than 2 way is possible they would send him the code. Dont ask me what the code is because I dont know.
2016/05/14 11:29:26
LINUS from the Wan show just said Nvidia emailed him and said more than 2 way is possible they would send him the code. Dont ask me what the code is because I dont know.

Probably changing a setting using Nvidia Inspector
2016/05/14 11:40:20
LINUS from the Wan show just said Nvidia emailed him and said more than 2 way is possible they would send him the code. Dont ask me what the code is because I dont know.

Probably changing a setting using Nvidia Inspector

Thats a new term for me where do you find that @ ?

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