well I waited to the last possible day to send my old sc in and now I am just waiting till the end of this week early next week to get my ssc in the mail.
I promise to put all pertinent asic score and max stable overclock on here when I get mine back. I have pushed every card I have ever owned to the limit (I have never got a bad overclocker) and I will put this computer outside at night and I will see how far this thing can be pushed with near freezing temperatures as the ambient.
I do want to add to this thread that I have been doing folding at home which evga will give you $10 per month for hitting a goal that I reached in 2 weeks while only using my card on off peak power times. In the end it is about a breakeven for me to fold when considering the extra money on my power bill compared to the evga bucks I get. however, I do get to have evga bucks that my wife cannot account for so that is cool. the first thing I am going to get is a backplate with those evga bucks.