Hold the phone... I was quite literally one click away from purchasing the extended warranty to reactivate the step up program in order to step my FTW up to a FTW+ (missed the 14-day period by 1 day), and I don't know what came over me, but I decided to give EVGA a quick call just to confirm that they were indeed allowing this...
The answer I was given is that it "doesn't appear we are allowing FTW owners to step up to a FTW+ because that is stepping up to a GPU of the same class."
I just died a little.
I asked about why 970 SC owners were able to step up to the SSC version and he said that, "...it was a company decision to make an exception to the step up rules due to the heat pipe design of the original SC version."
Really, EVGA? The FTW can't even hold it's boost clock that you advertise because the power design implementation is inadequate. They need to rethink their decision because they just screwed over a lot of people. I bought my "new" FTW two weeks ago... already outdated