• General Discussion
  • New Mining Team for BOINC Coin or (Indirect) money generating called Mining@EVGA
2014/11/20 09:57:25
Please PM me if you would like to Join this Team.
New Mining Team for BOINC Coin or (Indirect) money generating called Mining@EVGA 
For members that want to run Bitcoin and other money generating projects under BOINC.
Projects listed under http://boincstats.com/en/bam/signup/ and your own Projected listed under  http://boincstats.com/en/bam/projects/
Still need some Team Admin please PM me your email address once you have become a member.
Remember that this Team is for users that are running BOINC BitCoin or (Indirect) money generating Projects Only.
I am under this Team as CrunchForCoin


http://zadig.akeo.ie/ Zadig Download for the R-Box.
Do Not Allow Windows Update To Update This Driver
2014/11/24 09:37:05
Are you referring to Boinc Utopia project?
Actually is a waste of resources to set up mining under Boinc. For example most mining pools charge 2% or less fees whereas Boinc Utopia has to charge 10% fees to cover its operations (i.e.: 8% is wasted in setting up duplicated mining infra and operation costs). If any Boinc project needs funding, they just need to set up a Bitcoin Wallet to receive donation. 
2014/11/24 13:26:59
It is not about getting Coins. The Coins are given to other BOINC Projects to help them out with Funds.
Myself I do not want any Coins. But thank you for the information.
2015/01/08 11:53:18
New  Mining@EVGA Team Stats, we are now Rank 34
Project RankTeam Today  Last  Update Yesterday Score RAC FDC RAC RAC Rank Country #Projects 
Boinc Combined Team Stats
34  Mining@EVGA  386,400,000 57,600,000 498,000,000 22,748,603,390 593,276,066 597,800,043 11 International 3
Bitcoin Utopia
25 25  Mining@EVGA  386,400,000 57,600,000 498,000,000 654,000,000 638,400,000 4,092,000,000 16,527,000,000 593,269,701  11 22,748,536,720
We should hit 25 Billon by Months End
2015/02/16 09:45:47
We are now at 49,966,936,720 and a new 50 Billion Team Badge before the weeks end.
Badges  Mining@EVGA
2015/02/16 16:12:25
Eh... been doing other things.  Got the three r-boxes back online for some extra kick.
2015/02/16 16:45:58
Eh... been doing other things.  Got the three r-boxes back online for some extra kick.

This last Sunday or Saturday night the Pool Server was down so no ASIC Tasks would run.
We did hit 50 Billion today, no badge though.
2015/02/18 10:21:16
Request this..
2015/02/18 11:39:51
no badge @ 50 bill!? boo 
2015/02/18 11:41:40
devlin85 I see you hit 9 over on UOTD

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