2014/10/21 14:25:03
So just wondering if I can use the new 970 or 980 GTX PCI 3.0 video card with my x58 PCI 2.0 with no problems. 
I read alot of forums that people say no and some say you may run into a bottleneck? So im just wondering if anyone would know forsure before I purchase. 
I plan on upgrading to a x99 or the next DDR4 Motherboard but just want something to hold me off until the price drops and to be honest my x58 is still running perfect just need to upgade my graphics so I can play the newer games.

Any help will be great thanks... 

My System 
x58 sli 3
i7 920 Water Cooled (OC to 3.6 daily or 4.0 if needed and still stable)
6gb Corsair Dominators 
1000 watt Corsair Power Supply (I know its to much for what I got)
Windows 7 64bit
2014/10/21 14:35:41
Hi RaffieKol,
I can confirm that you do want to have the latest BIOS loaded, but yes the EVGA GeForce GTX 980 and 970 cards will work on the EVGA X58 SLI3 board. I can also confirm that the card should run well, but that it is possible that it can offer more performance on a newer system configuration.
I however would recommend against the use of SLI on this setup.
2014/10/21 15:05:12
Thanks ChrisB time to start looking for a new card   
2014/10/21 17:51:01
I can confirm that a gtx 980 will run just fine on a x58 platform. I have a x58 ftw with a x5650 cpu and gtx 980 running together. 
Here's a link to a firestrike run I did a while ago. Have another one thats a little higher but getting some odd error. Link. If there is a bottleneck its minor at best. 
Also, the x5650's have been selling on ebay for $70-80. Not a bad deal for a nice hexcore, runs cooler then my i7 920 and overclocks better to. 
2014/10/21 18:48:38
yes it will work but I recommend you get the 970 not the 980, cause the money you save from not buying the 980 can go torward a new board/cpu down the road.
You want to try to balance all computer components in my opinion, putting the highest end card on a older platfiorm is just asking for a bottleneck to happen (especially in CPU intensive games)
2014/10/22 10:17:33
yes it will work but I recommend you get the 970 not the 980, cause the money you save from not buying the 980 can go torward a new board/cpu down the road.
You want to try to balance all computer components in my opinion, putting the highest end card on a older platfiorm is just asking for a bottleneck to happen (especially in CPU intensive games)

+1 to that. Also consider an overclocked 970 card....
2014/10/23 07:32:59
I am running MSI Gaming 970s in SLI..
Works flawless..  night and day from my HD5870s in Crossfire.
This week I will be upgrading to a 980X also.
2014/10/23 12:59:51
This week I will be upgrading to a 980X also.

Just want to mention, the x5650 is nearly identical to the 980x. Only big differences is depending on your motherboard you *might* have to perform a mod, also the 980x has an unlocked multiplier. But you can also pick up x5650 for under $100, haven't seen 980x for anywhere near that low. 
2014/10/24 03:58:28
Thanks Dave,
I got a steal on it VS retail, but no it was more than that on Ebay.
picking it up from shipping tonight.
2014/10/27 12:57:40
I have the EVGA x58 FTW3 and my two shiny new MSI Gaming 970 GTXs do not work.  So it seems they do on the Classified, but not on the FTW3?  Lame.  One works fine, two causes it to fail and reboot after post.  Any ideas I could try to get this to work?

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