• Crunching@EVGA
  • Install Instructions for BOINC Manager with Crunching@EVGA (p.3)
2014/03/03 05:18:37
Cool got it. I will get things rolling when I get home from work.
Thanks Viper97
2014/03/03 17:54:28
If your looking for projects that are doing similar work as F@H is you might give POEM@Home and GPU Grid a look. Both deal with proteins only they do more than looking at just folding. If your wanting to stick to Medical related projects your limited to GPU Grid for GPU WU's right now. Poem is working on getting some GPU WU's running but it hasn't happened yet.
How to say this... If your into points then look at GPU Grid. That project gives off the most points per each task/WU ran. The long run tasks are more rewarding than the short runs. On the CPU side of things the points rewards are pretty much even across the projects. Some are better than others but its not by much one way or the other.
On the hardware front you are good to go. Any of those i7 are going to do a good job. However, GPU wise your going to have issues on GPU Grid. Basically the newer they are the better they will work there.
2014/03/23 08:45:27
I'm sorry, new to this, I am tring to crunch for the pillage project but it doesn't seem like my gpu is workin as hard as it should. I don't know if i missed something in the setup r maybe it's just not as stressfull as foh. Any suggestions would be very helpful
2014/03/23 09:16:21
I'm sorry, new to this, I am tring to crunch for the pillage project but it doesn't seem like my gpu is workin as hard as it should. I don't know if i missed something in the setup r maybe it's just not as stressfull as foh. Any suggestions would be very helpful

"Pretty much any hardware is good... one thing you'll notice is Crunching isn't as hard on the system as folding is" from Viper97. I had several tasks that used less than 80% of my GPU. Welcome to the darkside
2014/03/23 09:29:07
ty for the quick reply, maybe the task i'm on doesnt use the gpu at all, it doesn't even seem to be using 5% haha i'll wait and see what happens when i get the next wu thank you again :)
or maybe my gpu is to old :( 
2014/03/23 09:52:07
ty for the quick reply, maybe the task i'm on doesnt use the gpu at all, it doesn't even seem to be using 5% haha i'll wait and see what happens when i get the next wu thank you again :)
or maybe my gpu is to old :( 

Many projects only use CPU and some use both. At the project home page you chose what to use. To test and use GPU use the project GPUGRID and they have both short and long tasks that will use you GPU for crunching.
2014/03/23 10:04:14
again ty, I'm just starting messing with it and really like the projects idea of the whole thing, thats why i went with the malaria project. I like the comunity aspect of the whole thing. i'll keep an eye out for more of the projects and see what i can do to help the team and everyone in general :)
2014/03/23 10:26:45
Welcome aboard Clayton!
On the Bio-Medical side of things your pretty much limited to running GPU Grid if you want a project that will use your GPU. Everything else is CPU. For now at least. There are a few projects that are waking up and realizing that utilizing a GPU will get more work done for their projects. Poem will probably be the next to offer work for GPU's. Poem actually had a GPU application before this but it had issues and they stopped using it and went back to the drawing board to start over again.
For CPU Bio-Medical related projects I recommend Poem, Simap, Docking, Rosetta, Malaria Control, Mind Modeling, and WCG has some projects that deal with Bio Med issues. Namely Mapping Cancer Markers and FightAIDS@Home. Intermittently they also run Help Fight Childhood Cancer and a few others.
On the Physical Sciences side of things there are some projects that will put your GPU to use. I know Asteroids, Seti, Milky Way, and some others have GPU applications.
2014/03/24 14:02:18
I'm really enjoying working on the mc project and kinda watching my units increase!! I am getting some "high priority" tasks that seem to take control, is this a normal thing?
2014/04/16 17:59:15

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