2014/06/08 16:03:15
if you're looking for new badges, PrimeGrid just added a new application with badges, Extended Serpinski Problem....  they run fairly short compared to the last few challenges over there, and alot cooler for me....  getting about 60 per task, so it would take a bit to get the badges....

Not really badges for ourselves but to keep the Team Rank stable and moving to the Top.
To bad they do not have Team Badges.
Some of the Project I Crunch have no badges but I sill will Crunch on them.
Projects that do not have badges my goal is to hit at least 100,000 points on each project and so on.
Badges are an added plus for me like EVGA Bucks for Folding Members.
And it is all for fun for me and as you know we have Great Team Members.

lol, I couldn't come up with another way to say that PrimeGrid just started a new application with badges....  
Team badges are kind of a weird thing....  SHould they be more directed towards the team accomplishments overall, or in general?  A team could easily reach a couple million in points in a project with 2 or 3 heavy hitters.  Do they deserve a team badge any more than a team with 15 members with older equipment, just as dedicated as the other team, but unable to throw up the same numbers?
You make team badges based on total team points in a project, it doesn't mean as much, you add in stipulations such as so many members over a certain point value, you exclude the smaller teams, as well as the smaller crunchers on the big teams.  Maybe a better plan would be daily, weekly and monthly team badges.  Almost unofficial challenges.  The top teams for the given day, week and month get badges....
2014/06/08 17:08:27
Sorry RHMash I did not mean to derail your post.
Good thing we have Viper97 on our Team then for all our Member Badges and Team Badges and other great creations.
2014/06/08 17:29:13

2014/06/08 17:44:17

 Rolling in now are they.
2014/06/08 20:15:38
10k points for bronze....  at about 60 points for a 40 min task, 8 tasks per set, so 480 points every 40 minutes, around 1500 every two hours, 3000 every 4 hours, roughly 12-13 hours for the first badge....
2014/06/08 23:34:48
10k points for bronze....  at about 60 points for a 40 min task, 8 tasks per set, so 480 points every 40 minutes, around 1500 every two hours, 3000 every 4 hours, roughly 12-13 hours for the first badge....

Roughly 18K for one 24h run then. Fairly Nice credit for PrimeGrid.
Nice find on the new work RHMash
2014/06/09 18:57:31
New Today Ruby for The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 under
2014/06/09 21:53:17
Congrats bcavnaugh!
I just pick this one up from GPU Grid for hitting 50 million.
2014/06/09 21:59:58
WooooWhoooo. Got an easy one 
2014/06/09 22:00:34
Congrats Khalifrio 
Cool Temps are great right now!
Afterburner Getting some of that Extrasensory Perception

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