Did you get Awarded A Prime Number Orange_1050 on that long wait?
Nope, no prime on those...... so far

However, at one point I began Wonder, they say if they find a prime, the validation will take over double the time.
On those WU's, they search for big ones, THE big ones

. If they find stuff here, it's official announcment material.
I'll run some more of those I think. They run for prox 200+hrs(GTX760/690), validation is 3-4 weeks. They pay is fair, 600K.
But, if they find something here......team EVGA will be all over the Place and THAT would be fun
Otherwise, I need one cullen only to get the Amethyst badge. What's in my way is The Skynet Pogs
See, the other day, I was visiting the Skynet after the May Challenge to see how that went. I think we did fairly well. You bcavnaugh at 10th? Me i think 14 or something. This was first of june and I saw they recruited for the June Challenge. I entered.
After a day or so the Challenge had 20 or something Challengers. I got this jawdrop when I saw I was at the lead.
I thought what the heck, I'll step on it, see how goes.
Today, after 8 days:
So.. I got a bit carried away.
This guy "Murphy.cz"(7) will beat me, he entered a day ago, and he's got huge cannons, he's in the same League(not team) as the guy With grandchildren everybody loves

I'll stick to it though

Don't know what other dino's will enter during this Challenge, but it will last out June.
Due to temp's, I have to ease Down on the GPU work these days.
I'll stay tuned.
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