2014/05/31 09:37:53
New one for me today from Asteroids@home 
I hit my 1,000,000 goal for Asteroids@home this year so on to a new Project.
2014/05/31 10:56:16
New one for me today from Asteroids@home 
I hit my 1,000,000 goal for [link=mailto:Asteroids@home]Asteroids@home[/link] this year so on to a new Project.

Gratz Bro !!
Me, myself and I, have a loong way to that one
2014/05/31 16:07:39
New one for me today from Asteroids@home 
I hit my 1,000,000 goal for [link=mailto:Asteroids@home]Asteroids@home[/link] this year so on to a new Project.

Gratz Bro !!
Me, myself and I, have a loong way to that one

Just got the half million rock myself!
2014/05/31 16:27:05
2014/05/31 19:25:11
I noticed Greg has eight pogs badges and everyone else has seven in their sigs.
How did you get the extra badge to show?
Congrats on the rocks Greg and Bill.

Yea unclegregy got the Flash Light of the Unknown, Only users that have been awarded that Trophy can see and read about it. Cool is it not.
2014/05/31 21:16:17
I received Amethyst badge from project Cullen Prime Search (LLR)
This my 2nd badge from the "Race to the New Moon Challenge" this month.
2014/05/31 21:28:23
Congrats everyone! No wonder we are still climbing the ranks. Pretty exciting!
2014/06/01 00:08:31
Gratz on the Nice 500K rock Gregy
2014/06/01 00:14:12
I received Amethyst badge from project Cullen Prime Search (LLR)
This my 2nd badge from the "Race to the New Moon Challenge" this month.

Very nice
PrimeGri is slow on validating, so perhaps they just keep on coming for a while^^
I still got 14 cullens, and 3 Genefer World record wu's up for validation.
The GFN's was turned in more than 2 weeks ago.
2014/06/01 06:31:12
I noticed Greg has eight pogs badges and everyone else has seven in their sigs.
How did you get the extra badge to show?
Congrats on the rocks Greg and Bill.

Yea unclegregy got the Flash Light of the Unknown, Only users that have been awarded that Trophy can see and read about it. Cool is it not.

Both of you should have the flashlight as well.  You get it for having 632,410 credits and you both have more than that.  Might want to check you signature settings.

The Light Year (632,410 cr)A light year is the distance light travels in one year (at over 300 thousand km's). An Astronomical Unit or AU is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun (149,597,871 km). There are 63 241 AU's in a Light Year.

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