bcavnaughThanks ALL, Now to push GPUGRID to 100 Million Marker.
bcavnaugh100 Million Badge for Collatz ConjectureBest Result 2315 steps for 2385556784411356143998 on 2014-05-21 20:47:44
bcavnaughCullen LLR 657,421 Gold thanks to the Race to the New Moon ChallengeNow for long summer vacation from Folding and Crunching
Orange_1050bcavnaughCullen LLR 657,421 Gold thanks to the Race to the New Moon ChallengeNow for long summer vacation from Folding and CrunchingNice color, meaning you have been contributed quite well in the New Moon challange^^You won't take a break until the 100mil GpuGrid badge is landed are you?
AfterburnerWoo Whooo...
Orange_1050AfterburnerWoo Whooo... The TRPsv in Ruby??A rare one. Quite impressive numbers on PrimeGrid there ABKeep at it