2014/02/15 17:06:45
Earned a Sapphire badge from project Mapping Cancer Markers  Today
2014/02/15 20:07:02
New MilkyWay @ Home Today
2014/02/16 12:43:14
Crunching@EVGA passes 110,000,000 on MilkyWay @ Home Today.
2014/02/17 03:58:23
Congrats Bc on those recent milestones in Crunching!! 
Yeah, we are doing well as a team over at MilkyWay.   We are ranked 142 in total credits across thousands of teams (who have come and gone).  We are also ranked 74th in recent average credit (or among teams that are "active").  This is one of the beauties of Crunching IMO.  The variety of projects that a person can join with time as the gauge of what good may ultimately come from the effort.  Or maybe better said, "a computer is a terrible thing to waste". 
2014/02/19 00:25:04
More than 1 year of service for MilkyWay

2014/02/19 05:26:17
Good for you Opolis...congrats on that tenure with the project!   
2014/02/21 05:57:53
Earned a 500k badge from project MilkyWay @ Home 
Don't think I will cache up to Opolis to soon but Congrats
2014/02/21 06:04:37
Wooo Whoooo 
P.S. All this love for Milkyway@home has me starting an account with them. I am going to run milky for a while now 
2014/02/21 06:59:54
Congrats Afterburner
It seems on GPUGRID it take forever to move up the chain.
One day I will catch up if you switch over to Milkyway@home
2014/02/21 08:27:17
New WCG gold for MCM!

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