Everyone here posting about a "low" TDP% in Timespy Extreme
Please use HWINFo64 and compare the TDP% and TDP Normalized %, please.
GPU-Z does not show TDP Normalized.
Also if you have time, do the same run on "Superposition 4k--custom--extreme shaders" and compare it to "Superposition 4k optimized" (again look at TDP vs TDP Normalized!!)
Report back.
I have a theory, but I need you guys to test this for me because I do NOT have an eVGA card. I have a shunt modded 3090 FE, and I can draw up to 600W without hitting the power limit, but there is "something" going on with both Timespy Extreme and "Superposition 4k--extreme shaders (custom)" that does NOT happen with Timespy nor 4k Optimized.
Also note that 4k extreme shaders in Superposition has a MUCH MUCH MUCH lower FPS than 4k optimized.
I need you guys to do some testing and REPORT your TDP Normalized vs TDP % vs "TDP Slider % set". I am Falkentyne on overclock.net, by the way.