So I got the Kingpin Hybrid yesterday and I am really disappointed. The card is only able to overclock to +800 on memory and +115 on Core. When I put +900 on memory I start to get artifacts and strange colours and with +1000 I get the same Plus Crash in Timespy Port Royal etc. I have tested lots of different RTX 3090 so far and each of those cards was able to push +1000 or more on the memory without artifacts crashes etc. Also I havent seen a single Kingpincard that doesnt +1000 on memory so far. Is this a faulty card?
The card also has the known power draw issue. I dont get over 440-480 watts max in Timespy and other Benchmarks like Port Royal.
I have the powerslider all the way to 121% using the LN2 Bios
In Games I see arount 420 to 440 Watts max. Perfcap in GPU Z is green and says power everything above 440 watts, sometimes even lower. Is there any fix so far?
Should I RMA the card?
thanks guys