Yes,3090TI FTW3 ULTRA was binned,but it was only pretested to make sure it could run stably in stock bios.I'm thinking there is no difference between FTW3 BLACK and ULTRA,they are the same except their BIOS.Also,most 3090TI's PCB layouts are the same,except 3090TI KINGPIN and Galaxy HOF OC LAB EDITION.
EVGA did officially guarantee the ASIC quality for 980ti(four levels from 72% to 80%),clocks for 1080ti KINGPIN(2025Mhz),but 3090 and 3090TI KINGPIN were not.I thought EVGA had some issues when producing KINGPIN.
I owned all KINGPIN series except GTX 980 KINGPIN,and my 2080ti KINGPIN can both run in 2175mhz and higher with HYDRO COPPER Kit installed.I'm sure they are binned to run in higher clocks.
Maybe it is not wise to purchase the first batch of KINGPIN,as those really "top binned" cards would be sent to those overclockers for advertising.