I wouldn't count on it as it was said to be a limited run but no one can tell you that for sure except EVGA. Maybe call their customer service or reach out to Jacob Freeman on Twitter.
I'm hope that's it. :-) I'm surprised none are on Ebay yet. I know scalping GPU's is about dead and it's not a sought after mining card. Let's hope those who got one are truly enthusiasts and not people looking for a good profitable flip. Maybe those flippers are waiting for an official, "That's all folks!". LOL
True, I checked eBay to see and shocking a few haven't popped up at all. On the other hand, Jacob did go out of his way to clearly state it was going to be a very limited run. Can't spell it out more plainly than that. Even if a few more popped up for sale on their store front, it would just be a few units floating around and most likely sell out again.
On another note, is it me or is the static display slightly bigger and brighter than the old display or are my eyes playing tricks on me? I sold my original KPE 3090 back in October so it may just be me recalling it erroneously.