Looks like the 3090 ti kingpin finally sold out.
Crap! I feel so bad for the guys who could not get their hands on this card. But it was always a limited run...
I guess the only hope is the aftermarket one, but the prices there...
Everybody had a chance as it was available on the EVGA site after the queue ended. Only didn't get one if someone was asleep.
There will be stragglers who will be going, "Awwww man! Shucks!" but I think the ones who will be mad are those who thought they KPE 3090ti was going to be rapidly marked down to follow market trends like other cards that were mass produced and hope to get it for a steep discount.
Then there are those who paid $2k-$2.2k for FTW3 cards that are now $1500 new who will start moaning and groaning too about having paid $500 to $700 + shipping and tax extra when they could get one now with free shipping.
Then there's my
favorite type of buyers who buy in the moment. Enjoy it in the moment and keep it moving.