2022/07/01 11:43:18
Is it still in your notify list?  I noticed mine had disappeared off the list and then I got my email shortly after.

last i checked it is still a no, but i guess this is just the result of the queue being open for notifies for months instead of until they hit quota. no point in being early anymore
feels bad they let you queue for a gpu then force you to buy a bundle. i suspect they had to do this bc people were sick of waiting and they 3090 Ti sales are flat...that was probably the KPE msrp with no psu, and that is even crazier this late in the generation. as someone noted here, the 3090 KPE beats it in several benchmarks already and they've been selling those for 1400-1500
2022/07/01 11:48:15
I would imagine that enewt got his email notification, considering his EVGA score.
2022/07/01 11:53:30
I would imagine that enewt got his email notification, considering his EVGA score.

I'm surprised they even gave him a score, label him the GOAT and let him cash out his $1M in EVGA bucks.
2022/07/01 11:58:59
I would imagine that enewt got his email notification, considering his EVGA score.

i would hope so. this makes me happy
2022/07/01 12:01:28
I would imagine that enewt got his email notification, considering his EVGA score.

i would hope so. this makes me happy

I would think so, since I'm 27th on the self-reported list and he is 18th on the list and I got an email.
2022/07/01 12:01:35
Email received and likely going to pass. I guess I have 24 hours to decide…. Just too close to the 40 series to make the jump right now.

Not sure where the “list” is or if I’m on it, but my timestamp and EVGA score are below if that helps anyone. FYI it was in my spam folder so check your junk mail.

3/29/2022 6:55:49 AM PT
EVGA Score: 46
2022/07/01 12:02:35
I would imagine that enewt got his email notification, considering his EVGA score.

i would hope so. this makes me happy

I talked to Tu Madre who runs the nerdspeak hardware notification discord and Twitter who I imagine also has a super high score and he didn't get his email until around that second wave which is really curious.
2022/07/01 12:05:41
I got my email at 1:57 pm est. #13 on list with 526 score , if that helps out the algorithm junkies .
2022/07/01 12:22:14
I got my email at 1:57 pm est. #13 on list with 526 score , if that helps out the algorithm junkies .

makes sense then, the queue self-report list isn't very useful without scores now. thanks! (152 here so it sounds like i'm several hundred points from my email and i'll look at buying one from someone in a low sales tax state)
2022/07/01 12:52:09
I got my notification at 1:53 est and my score is like 56. I'm also skipping this last KP. Too close to the next gen and being forced to buy a PSU with it as well.

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