Another tip when your flushing you're Rads:
- 1/2 fill em with (whatever you cleaner you use), as said I use CLR mixed 1:2 with distilled and shake the crap out your mixing a this several times then
- rinse n repeat with distilled.
- the last rinse, pour the liquid out of your Rad n thru a regular coffee filter, inspect the filter...this will let you know if you still have crap in there or not.
- I then stand the rads up on end for a few hrs to let any residual liquid works it way out...this with 3 Rads (1 x 480 / 1 x 360 n 1 x 240 XSPC RX series...there thick buggers)
Try EK clear concentrate w will keep your blocks clean for a very long time....for flex tubing I used to use Fesser, but cant get it anymore so have switched to either XSPC or Primochill....these have proven great ...they are stiff though, so soak in the end in some extremely hot water for a minute or so, then you can get the ends over your barbs on your compression fitting easier.
I have stayed away from all the "gimmicky water cooling accessories" (there are so many now vs 7 or 8 yrs ago) since I began WC'ing several years ago.....except I did purchase a proper tube cutter for nice clean cuts, hell I havent installed my Water Temp probe yet (keep forgetting to) ... ;)
For what its worth over several years I had one serious leak....was my fault being hasty installing an EK Terminal Block on 3 x 1080Ti's of the little O Rings on the terminal block was pinched...was obvious!
Another situation similar to your whereby I was losing a bit of coolant over time..a quick look in the bottom of the case (some dried coolant staining) steered me to a Bits Power fitting....the little O rings on the fittings dont last forever...mine were probably 3 yrs old, so purchased a bag of replacement O Rings.....
....Although I still leak test ...not 24 hrs....maybe 15 hrs...finishing building in the evening..fill and leak test till next AM...if its going to will right away or in the next 12 hrs or so.....n cycle your pump from Min to Max periodically (its why I swear by my D5 Vario w manual pump control knob)....