warriorgleek444i think i just broke new egg
vidathedogwarriorgleek444i think i just broke new eggYou did, I can't login to my account now.
warriorgleek444vidathedogwarriorgleek444i think i just broke new eggYou did, I can't login to my account now.and now i just missed it two more times, making that a total of nine missed chances on the ftw
vidathedogwarriorgleek444vidathedogwarriorgleek444i think i just broke new eggYou did, I can't login to my account now.and now i just missed it two more times, making that a total of nine missed chances on the ftwI was using easy auto refresh extension on chrome and had it refreshing newegg every 10 seconds and just left it open on half of my screen so that I saw the moment it was in stock.
warriorgleek444vidathedogwarriorgleek444vidathedogwarriorgleek444i think i just broke new eggYou did, I can't login to my account now.and now i just missed it two more times, making that a total of nine missed chances on the ftwI was using easy auto refresh extension on chrome and had it refreshing newegg every 10 seconds and just left it open on half of my screen so that I saw the moment it was in stock. thats how i have missed it nine times, i been there each single time it has been back in stock
warriorgleek444just got one, now lets see if the order voids again NVM AGAIN
vidathedogwarriorgleek444just got one, now lets see if the order voids again NVM AGAINI'm crossing everything for you! Edit ****
warriorgleek444vidathedogwarriorgleek444just got one, now lets see if the order voids again NVM AGAINI'm crossing everything for you! Edit ****dont swear against rules cx