2016/06/28 16:30:09
I forgot to do 2-3 day shipping in order to do my build over the 3 day weekend.  Fail.  I was so rushed to order it as fast as possible.  I guess I cant complain, spoke with newegg customer service said it was already processed and they cant change the shipping of it, but did give me a $25 gift card which is cool I guess, told them I much rather pay $25 to get it here in time for the weekend.  But really shouldnt complain, hope you guys get one soon! Hang in there fellow EVGA community! 

I did the same thing. Seeing how fast the FTWs go I was not going to risk changing the shipping time. It may say 4-7 days but I have gotten my packages in 3 days. 

I did 3day shipping, because even though I live in Colorado and it should take 4days at the most for something to get to me, the last time I ordered components it took a week and a half and then the driver ran out of time on the delivery day and it got delivered the next day instead.
2016/06/28 16:42:54
Just wating for EVGA eu store get the 1070 SC....
2016/06/28 16:43:55
Ya, I was going to go for a 1070 but with the nightmare it is, I will just wait until after I get a new laptop since that is a more pressing issue since my current card is doing alright.
2016/06/28 16:46:34
I got as far as paypal and when I got redirected back newegg said no stock.  I had even chosen my shipping options.  Hope they get more FTW stock next week.
2016/06/28 16:47:42
somebody better be getting stock THIS WEEK not next, i cant freaken wait that long
2016/06/28 16:54:30
i think i just broke new egg
2016/06/28 16:56:25
This is the last time I preorder from Amazon. Ive been waiting almost a month. Next time ill order through evga. I've tried to get an answer from amazon of when my order will be filled. But they won't give me any kind of time frame :(
2016/06/28 16:56:35
To be honest I am actually starting to get a little pissed with EVGA. They fulfilled their preorders and have even started shipping over to EU, yet no love for Canada. I preordered from Memory Express all the way back on the 27th of May and have been completely understanding in them shipping out their orders to evga.com customers. But the fact that even now, while people in the US can get them from NewEgg and such without any preorder. Even this wouldn't bother me, except we still haven't gotten anything shipped up north. So while I do understand the waiting that has occurred, it is getting frustrating for us up in Canada.
2016/06/28 16:58:07
To be honest I am actually starting to get a little pissed with EVGA. They fulfilled their preorders and have even started shipping over to EU, yet no love for Canada. I preordered from Memory Express all the way back on the 27th of May and have been completely understanding in them shipping out their orders to evga.com customers. But the fact that even now, while people in the US can get them from NewEgg and such without any preorder. Even this wouldn't bother me, except we still haven't gotten anything shipped up north. So while I do understand the waiting that has occurred, it is getting frustrating for us up in Canada.

be lucky you have any kind of order

2016/06/28 16:58:57
I forgot to do 2-3 day shipping in order to do my build over the 3 day weekend.  Fail.  I was so rushed to order it as fast as possible.  I guess I cant complain, spoke with newegg customer service said it was already processed and they cant change the shipping of it, but did give me a $25 gift card which is cool I guess, told them I much rather pay $25 to get it here in time for the weekend.  But really shouldnt complain, hope you guys get one soon! Hang in there fellow EVGA community! 

I did the same thing. Seeing how fast the FTWs go I was not going to risk changing the shipping time. It may say 4-7 days but I have gotten my packages in 3 days. 

OMG! You sir are a hero! I would be the happiest man alive if it got here in 3 days! dont get me so excited!! haha, but yeah I mean they said its already about to ship out thats why they couldnt change it.  They seem to be moving these gpus out fast! which is good maybe there is hope for my live twitch stream build to happen sunday with my gf! (7 grand build!) would link twitch but im sure its against the rules! 

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