2016/10/11 10:57:57
Nothing for Eu almost 2 months now.And no official respond on when or what.Great,thanks!
Can someone explain this? "New 1080 HYBRID SKU is in stock. Similar to previous, but it is reference PCB (not FTW)" 
2016/10/12 07:08:24
I need the EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 SC GAMING as I don't believe the full length version that's 10 inches long will fit in my case. What is the deal with the cards being out of stock for so long? Did evga get robbed? Did the factory burn down? I don't think I've ever seen it this bad to get graphic cards in stock.
2016/10/13 12:27:26
I also thought there would be GTX 1070 FTW with an all black shroud...when is that coming out in the EU?
2016/10/13 21:01:30
Still waiting for EVGA to get stock on 1070's.  Getting frustrated that all these retailers have stock, and the cards are selling for cheaper than what EVGA has them listed for.  What's worse is I have almost $200 in EVGA bucks that I want to use to upgrade haha.  I just want a regular, low wattage 1070.  Don't need to FTW or Classified.  150 watts is enough!
2016/10/14 19:35:09
FTW HYDRO Copper http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=08G-P4-6299-KR 

2016/10/15 06:34:03
Any word on when the 1070 ftw hybrid will be in stock?
2016/10/19 18:10:28
Can't believe it takes this long to get stock.  Trade up waiting list for 5 months!!
2016/10/24 21:19:04
Greetings all,
       As of 10/24/16, the Fry's in Renton WA currently has GTX 1060's, 1070's & 1080's in STOCK. There is a display stating that they are in stock & to ask for them as they are not yet on the shelves. I bought an RX480 8GB 2 weeks ago, non-EVGA, and it immediately proved to be a piece of junk. I returned it today to Fry's and bought an EVGA GTX 1060 6GB SC. OMG.. This thing is a beast and a massive improvement over my 650Ti. Perhaps not exactly a demanding game, but BF1 now runs smooth as silk at 1080 & everything on Ultra. I can only imagine how the 1070 or even the 1080 performs!
Thank you EVGA.
2016/10/25 12:15:22
Any word on the next shipment of 1080 Hydro Copper or when Newegg/Amazon will stock the item?

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