The lack of availability of the GTX 1080 SC,GTX 1080 FTW and Classified is so ridiculous. We all like to know when these cards will be available for mass production is there any set date?
I agree it is ridiculous. What is the point of Micro Center having exclusive to be the only vender to sell the 1080 Classified?? I mean unless you live in the same city or state that has a Micro Center your SOL because they are only available for in store pick up. I am and have been a strong supporter of EVGA products but, sorry EVGA I don't see the point...
I didn't realize only MicroCenter are selling the Classified, AND only over-the-counter.. seriously EVGA what the fudge? Do you realize we don't all live near a MicroCenter, and even if some of us do, it can be a major mission to get there, particularly if some are not fully mobile. The Classified is the generally the premium, so shafting all your loyal customers of years by refusing to sell to anyone but MicroCenter is fudging rude. They can't be giving you that much of a deal.. Heck, if MicroCenter would ship them that wouldn't be so bad, but they will do in-store only! What a sell-out. It's already priced up for the additional power phases... so much for the Classified Crew. Where's the love? *sigh* Do you realize how many impulse buyers you lose by forcing over-the-counter MicroCenter sales only? Bad move ...and I'm one of them. That puts the final nail in the coffin for me - I'll wait for a Ti edition or skip this series entirely.
Is there a source to that claim that Microcenter is the only retail store that will sell the Classified? I don't see any EVGA tech denying this, either. So, it could be very true.
Other than this thread, go to the
EVGA 1080 product page and the 1080 Classy (way down the bottom) is the only one that does not have auto-notify, it just has a price, no option to buy it. If you then click on the
link for the 1080 Classy, under the subtitle "Where to Buy".. there is only one place listed: Micro Center. The other cards (example
Founders Edition) list a bunch of different places - Best Buy, Frys, Memory Express, Micro Center, NCIX, Newegg.. and on the EVGA site itself once there is stock available. If you go to Micro Center, it states in-shop purchase only, no mail order.
This isn't the first time EVGA has done this - it may have been one of the 980 models or something completely different, but I do recall a year or two ago I wanted to buy some EVGA product and it was Micro Center over-the-counter only, no other option. As a result, EVGA lost my sale and I got some other brand (or didn't buy at all, I don't recall now which it was). I DO know I was just one of many who were frustrated by this practice and ended up buying from the competition as a result, or didn't buy at all.
Doing this with THE top of the line 1080 is a low blow to loyal customers. Brand loyalty is hugely important in such a competitive sector, and taking THE top tier card and making it available only to some customers just stinks.